The Father Difference

The Power of Present a Father - Jeff Springer

Ed Tandy McGlasson Season 2 Episode 6

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Did you know that being a present father with your kids is the most life-changing thing you can do for them? 

Whether you are still married or not, you will always be a father to your kids! Learning to be a present father will impact your kids and grandkids for the rest of their lives. 

Join me today on the Man of Honor Podcast with Ed McGlasson and Coach Jeff Springer - A powerful husband, father, and grandfather. A public school educator and coach for 34 years and coached hundreds of young people who didn't have fathers in their story. 

Jeff is also the Founder of SUIT UP MINISTRIES and Dad University, which equips men to be devoted, powerful fathers. 
00:00: Opening
01:26: Introduction
02:26: Welcome, Dr. Jeffrey Springer
02:57: What did God do in your life that made you the man you are?
10:50: God doesn't waste the hurt in our lives.
14:11: Dads carry a prophetic-like responsibility
17:46: Needing spiritual fathers
22:22: The "if it's going to be, it's up to me" philosophy.
26:10: What have you learned about reaching these kids
28:22: Our children learn from what we do34:33: When families are healthy, society is healthy.
38:09: Preparing for when we aren't there anymore
46:12: Remember, it's never too lateSuit Up Ministries: Suit Ministries: new book: #dadprep: Preparation for Legacy: 52-Week Devotional -

#thefatherdifference, #edmcglasson, #fatherhood, #dads

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