The Father Difference
This podcast is about helping dads become better fathers.
It’s for dads who want to make a big difference in their kids’ lives (and be the best dads they can be) and want their children to have a loving and present father to help them.
It’s the reason we call it The Father Difference.
When God the Father makes a difference in us, we can make the same difference in our children's lives.
Imagine being the father God desires you to be, actively contributing to your children's dreams and future. Being a dad in their life story is crucial, and I believe it’s your most important role in life.
It only takes one Loving Father to change the course of a family for generations - and one perfect heavenly Father to begin the process in us.
We will post new podcast shows weekly.
It is our hope that The Father Difference will equip you to become the father you were meant to be.
I have coached and equipped men for 34 years in 14 countries.
Will you Join Me?
Praying for you - Ed McGlasson
The Father Difference
How to Forgive a Broken Father - Dennis Crawford #podcast
Are you still struggling with your father and want to learn how to forgive him for the hurt he caused you?
When you learn how to forgive a broken father, you have just taken your first step in healing your own story.
I am really excited to introduce you to our next guest, but before I do, would you subscribe to our Podcast and like this show if it ministers to you today? It would help us reach more men.
Second I have a Free offer for you that I will give you at the end of this Podcast. But you have to hang around until the end of the show.Join me today with my special guest Dennis Crawford, who has just released an amazing book." Broken Son: Forgiving a Broken Father." Crawford Media Group. Kindle Edition.
Dennis has been married for 20 Years to my beautiful Loni, a Psalmist, three blessed children, and cohosts with his wife Loni with a podcast called Better2gether; He is an author of the book, "Heart Meditation Of The Believer and co-authoring a book with his wife Loni called "KINGdom Homes." He is a HUGE Michigan Wolverine fan! Go Blue! Here are his links:
https://open.spotify.com/show/1JacNQu...Audio Podcast Link to Show: https://www.amazon.com/dp/198156148X/...The Rock Podcast with Dennis https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast..#Denniscrawford #forgivingabrokendad #edmcglasson #thefatherdifference #brokenfather #fatherhood #fatherandson #howtobreakbitterness #lettinggoofanger #howtoforgivemydad
Want to become the father you were meant to be?
Check out my free resources that will encourage and equip you to make the most significant difference you can.