The Father Difference

The Fathers Blessing Changes Everything - Lj Mitchell

Ed Tandy McGlasson

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Want to learn how to fulfill everything God has made you for? Join me today with LJ Mitchell, who was playing Jazz when God started calling him to give his life to writing and producing worship songs that connect people to the Father who loves them, and to the Father's Blessing, He wants to give them.LJ Mitchell is a music director, pianist, organist, producer, and arranger. Born and raised just outside of Toronto, Canada, LJ began his musical instruction at the age of 5 with piano lessons. He studied throughout middle and high school with the Royal Conservatory of Music and expanded his studies to include jazz, gospel, composition, musical technology, and theory. After high school, he studied Biological Science at York University and continued his classical music studies under Boris Berlin.A Music Director for over 23 years, LJ has an extensive background in gospel and sacred music. He currently serves as the Musical Director of Elevation Church and Elevation Worship. Whose music and words connect people to love, power, and the Blessing of the Father that changes everything.He is currently living out his dreams in Charlotte, NC hand in hand with his incredible wife, Petula, and their beautiful daughters, Adlai and Ayah.As LJ says, “If God put you in it…then he put IT in You.” It is hard to imagine God saw all this in me… before He created the world..." Opening00:00:21 INTRO00:01:19 Welcome LJ Mitchell 00:01:50 LJ's Story00:06:17 What did God do to prepare you for what you're doing?00:09:44 Looking for my identity...00:15:18 Learning to receive00:19:00 We need God to accomplish things, including loving a woman.00:23:49 "The Blessing Story"00:29:26 Letting go of our need to be somebody so that we can follow the one who is everybody.00:36:27 How to stay centered as a husband?00:41:52 Listening is the most important thing.00:45:35 Worshipping God00:49:46 What's coming up?00:51:06 Santa Story00:53:02 Coming home to my family is a reward.00:56:26 Prayer01:00:35 "The Difference a Father Makes Book" 01:01:25 Remember, it's never too late to turn your story around.Here is the free book and coaching Link I promised you!

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