The Father Difference
This podcast is about helping dads become better fathers.
It’s for dads who want to make a big difference in their kids’ lives (and be the best dads they can be) and want their children to have a loving and present father to help them.
It’s the reason we call it The Father Difference.
When God the Father makes a difference in us, we can make the same difference in our children's lives.
Imagine being the father God desires you to be, actively contributing to your children's dreams and future. Being a dad in their life story is crucial, and I believe it’s your most important role in life.
It only takes one Loving Father to change the course of a family for generations - and one perfect heavenly Father to begin the process in us.
We will post new podcast shows weekly.
It is our hope that The Father Difference will equip you to become the father you were meant to be.
I have coached and equipped men for 34 years in 14 countries.
Will you Join Me?
Praying for you - Ed McGlasson
The Father Difference
Become the Hero of Her Heart with Caleb Rouse
Want to learn how to become the Hero and Champion of your wife's heart.
Listen to what His wife Stephanie says, "Caleb, I will never be able to thank you enough for what you’ve done for me & keep doing to love & empower me. You’re my hero & the champion of my heart." That's what I want to hear from my wife. How about you?
Join Me Today on the Man of Honor Podcast with Caleb Rouse, who is passionate about loving his wife and building a life and business together. Caleb also loves empowering others through his digital creator, author, and relationship mentor ministry. Caleb posts authentic and meaningful content to encourage others towards a closer connection with Jesus and their wives. Caleb loves working with other creators to find their purpose and passion and provide value by sharing their expertise online through social media. He works alongside the love of his life, his wife, Stefanie.
They currently live in Pittsburgh, PA. Caleb’s Masters is in Education from Azusa Pacific University. He would love to connect with you via Instagram:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/calebjasonrouse/?hl=enHERE ARE THEIR LINKS AND
FREE RESOURCES:www.stefanieandcaleb.com/linksWANT MORETikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stefanieandcalebEmail: caleb@stefanierouse.comWebsite: www.stefanieandcaleb.com/links
https://thedifferenceafathermakes.com/goodfather/Would you help us grow our reach by liking this video and subscribing to our Page? Praying for you. Pastor Edhttps://thedifferenceafathermakes.com/goodfather/
Want to become the father you were meant to be?
Check out my free resources that will encourage and equip you to make the most significant difference you can.